Yoko Ono: En Trance
Categories :
展覧会の企画、キュレーション、 コーディネーション業務
Yoko Ono has gained international recognition as one of Japan’s most significant artists and was one of the artists commissioned to produce work for Towada Art Center’s permanent collection. She defies traditional boundaries, expressing herself through a wide range of media including art, music, performance, and film. Ono’s works often call for audience participation, and reflect careful to consideration of the location of the exhibition and its social significance in the creative process, leaving a deep impression on those who view and/ or take part in the result. “Yoko Ono: En Trance” was Towada Art Center’s inaugural exhibition and featured ten of Ono’s works, including SKYLADDERS and Telephone Piece.
Yoko Ono
[Basic Information]
Period: April 26- July 6, 2008
Venue: Towada Art Center